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Farm Credit EXPRESS Equipment Financing

Farm Management Resources

如果你可以得到一个农业信贷贷款或租赁在经销商为您的农场设备-从来没有踏足农业信贷办公室? You can with Farm Credit EXPRESS! Better yet, you can buy equipment at any of nearly 1,000农场信贷快车参与经销商地点在东南部,并获得农业信贷贷款或租赁书回你当地的农业信贷办公室. 简单的申请在经销商处完成,通常在20分钟或更短的时间内获得批准. Farm Credit EXPRESS is a quick, 轻松替代经销商提供的融资,而无需单独前往贷款人办公室的麻烦. Better still, 它还为您提供了一个工具,可以帮助您获得更好的交易在您的设备购买-与一点知识和问正确的问题.

So you’ve picked out the perfect piece of equipment to purchase for your farm. You can picture what it looks like in your fields, how it’s going to make your farm more efficient and your life a little easier. In fact, there’s only one question left: How are you going to pay the dealer for it? Finance it through a dealer program (often at 0% interest)? Get a loan or lease from Farm Credit? Perhaps pay cash? 让我们来看看这些选择,以及你应该考虑什么来做出最适合你的决定.

Pay Cash

It sounds simple. 你甚至可以得到一个更好的价格或免费升级,因为经销商/制造商不会为设备提供资金. 你可以避免多年来支付那笔“可怕的付款”,而且你没有任何利息支出. 虽然这听起来不错,但要确保你从整体财务状况的角度来考虑. Do you have adequate cash reserves and liquidity? If not, paying cash for equipment is seldom your best move. Worse yet, unless your revolving line of credit is paid to $0, 你最终是在循环生产线上为设备融资,这从来都不是一个好的长期情况. Do you owe money on other loans? 如果是这样的话, 你可以以较低的利率获得设备贷款,用现金支付首付或偿还利率较高的贷款. 再一次,在你用现金购买设备之前,考虑一下你的整体财务状况.

Dealer/Manufacturer Provided 贷款

设备公司很久以前就知道,通过简化融资和/或提供低利率融资,他们可以销售更多的设备. What about 0% interest loans? These type of loans have become the norm in equipment and automotive finance. Are they really 0%? 好吧, the stated interest rate in the contract is 0%, but (as the old saying goes) there is seldom any free lunch. Simply put, dealers and manufacturers have to make money. They can’t afford to have their money loaned to you for three, five or even seven years without making anything on it. In fact, 他们中的许多人都有贷款,他们也要支付利息,所以他们至少要收回成本. They also have to cover the risk that some loans will default and they’ll lose money. 如果你不通过经销商/制造商融资,一定要问清楚价格是多少. Unless the price is the same either way, 你最终支付的金融费用等于这两个价格之间的差额. 另一件要记住的事情是:提前还清0%的贷款并不能像支付单息贷款那样节省任何财务费用. In fact, 如果提前偿还贷款,“隐性”金融费用导致的实际利率可能会相当高. 经销商提供的融资是一个很好的选择,可以考虑和最便宜的方式来获得设备. Be sure you ask the right questions, know what you’re getting and consider all options before deciding.

Farm Credit EXPRESS

Ask your equipment dealer if they offer Farm Credit EXPRESS. 该计划就像经销商融资一样简单,但你可以获得与现金支付相同的折扣或免费升级(因为它不是通过经销商/制造商融资)。. 该计划提供固定利率贷款,按月、按季度、按半年或按年付款. Farm Credit EXPRESS贷款获得赞助退款,可以显着降低您的有效利率和利息成本. 新设备和使用时间少于10年的旧设备可获得0%的首付款和最长7年的期限. 使用时间少于25年的二手设备可以以10%的首付款提供长达7年的融资. 使用时间超过25年的二手设备可以以15%的首付融资,最长可达三年. Farm Credit EXPRESS also offers leasing as another tool to meet your equipment needs. Be sure to consider leasing if it’s right for you (see next section).


Have you ever thought about leasing equipment instead of owning it? Historically, 一旦美国国税局第179条扣除额达到上限,大多数人就会把租赁作为管理所得税的工具. There are other reasons leasing can be a good tool to meet your equipment needs. 有很多不同的租赁结构,但我们将重点关注固定购买选项,它允许您以预先确定的成本购买机器,或者在租赁到期时将其归还给租赁公司. Simply put, leasing transfers the ownership risks to someone else. That can be to your benefit with equipment that is unique or atypical for your region. 对于那些最新和最伟大的技术变化很快的设备,它也是一个很好的工具. 如果你想一直保持相对较新的设备,租赁也是一个不错的选择. 与为设备的全部成本融资相比,租赁通常会给你一个较低的月付款. By nature, 租赁通常比拥有更贵,因为你要支付溢价,让别人为你承担所有权风险,并提供首付. 租赁 is more complex than buying the equipment outright for the same reasons. 确保你了解租约的所有条款,特别是任何小时/里程限制和过度磨损处罚. 和你的会计谈谈租赁的问题总是一个好主意,确保租赁的结构与你的所得税情况相适应.

Wow, this all seems like a lot to consider but it really isn’t. It’s this simple:

  1. Ask the right questions.
  2. Consider all of the options and compare the total cost of acquiring the equipment.
  3. Choose the best option for you. 记住,购买设备的最便宜的总成本通常是最好的,但前提是:
    1. 支付现金不会让你在循环信用额度上欠下余额,你仍然有足够的现金储备和流动资金.
    2. 较短的贷款期限带来的低利率和低利息成本是可控的,不会在贷款期间造成现金流紧缩.
Let’s help set the record straight

Whether you farm full-time or part-time, 农场1,000 acres or a half dozen, whether you have a large herd of cattle or a small livestock operation, grow sod or operate a nursery or greenhouses, you’ll need to purchase equipment at some point. You are potentially eligible for Farm Credit and Farm Credit EXPRESS. 该项目适用于几乎所有类型的移动农业设备,比如拖拉机(大小不一)。, trailers and farm implements to combines and self-propelled forage harvesters. And with everything you’ve just read, it seems to be a very good option. Visit the website www. for more information, including a list of all participating dealers.

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