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West Virginia FFA: A State Officer's Journey 2022-2023

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I am Caroline Greenleaf from Reedy, West Virginia, where I live on a farm with red and black Angus cattle, Cheviot sheep, and goats. Throughout high school, 我参加了州和全国比赛,并在2021年获得了我的美国学位,我的羊监督农业经验项目. 我在当地的黑胡桃节上展示了市场羔羊,并有一个火腿培根项目. 我现在是西弗吉尼亚大学的大四学生,将于2024年春季毕业,获得理学学士学位, majoring in Environmental Energy Resource Management from Davis College. 今年春天,我开始在普莱森茨县的Allnex实习,担任安全主管, Health, and Environmental manager’s intern. FFA教会了我如何成为一个更好的领导者和在公共场合演讲,并为我未来的职业生涯做好了准备. After I had graduated high school, 我知道我还可以回报FFA给我的一切. 我决定竞选州政府公职,刚刚从2022-23年西弗吉尼亚州FFA主席的职位上退休.

I was elected to the West Virginia FFA State Officer team in July 2022. Three days later, 我花了一周的时间和我的新队友一起学习什么是领导者,以及我们对明年的期望. We also learned our strengths and weaknesses and how to be a team. The next day, we were sent to Washington, DC, 在那里我们与来自美国各地的其他州官员团队一起度过了一个星期. 我们与参议员雪莱·摩尔·卡皮托和乔·曼钦谈论了FFA, the Farm Bill, and what we planned to do this year as state officers. This was an amazing experience and my favorite for the year. 我们参观了华盛顿特区的纪念碑,并在国家官员研讨会上度过了一段美好的时光,学习如何成为一个好的榜样.

In November, 我有机会参加全国代表大会的代表委员会,对全国FFA的新建议和想法进行投票. 我与拜耳和约翰迪尔的代表讨论了FFA未来的职业发展机会. 作为国家官员参加全国FFA大会是非常令人兴奋的. 我喜欢寻找西弗吉尼亚的成员,并在比赛中支持他们.

In January 2023, 我是被选中前往哥斯达黎加参加为期两周的国家官员国际学习研讨会的75名国家官员之一. 哥斯达黎加有西弗吉尼亚州那么大,我们每两天就去一个新的度假胜地. 我们参观了和牛农场、救援动物园、奶牛场、学校和博物馆. Representing the nation and my home state was an honor.

I have always had an interest in taking photos; this year helped me capture the moments for the members and myself. Taking action shots of the students doing what they love was rewarding. 分享这些照片有助于确保国家看到未来的年轻人在一个受人尊敬的组织中取得成功.

On the legislator day, the Speaker of the House, Roger Hanshaw, 让我代替他发言,向出席即将宣布的章节的代表们表示感谢. This was an honor, and I am forever grateful to Mr. Hanshaw for supporting the West Virginia FFA after his state office year. He is truly an FFA role model with all the time he has given.

In January, Cedar Lakes hosted the State Ham Bacon and Egg Sale. Members from across the state came for the annual sale. The sale brought over $72,从我们的各种支持者那里得到了000美元,供会员们攻读他们的州和美国学位.

During our Fall Leadership Conference, 成员们有机会制作毯子,我们将这些毯子捐赠给鲁比纪念儿童医院. A total of 172 blankets were delivered to the hospital in December, just in time for the children to enjoy at Christmas time.

The Mountaineer Food Bank project also was an amazing success. 在今年7月的州大会上,成员们打包食物分发到全州各地. Members also purchased and assembled hygiene bags. 会员和我们的支持者已经筹集了超过35,000美元用于这个项目.

My teammates are amazing role models for the state. Central Vice President Katie Anderson, an Animal Nutrition major at West Virginia University, and nursing student at Glenville State, McKenzie White, 国务卿和国务卿都在他们的议会团队中排名全国第二. While also majoring in animal nutrition at WVU, Katelyn Detamore placed first in the National Land Judging competition. Cody Mitchell, an Agriculture Business major at Potomac State from Petersburg, WV, diligently kept up with his school and the members, which can be challenging during the year. 科迪一直忠于自己的信念,努力保持团队的团结. Carmen Fogus, an Agricultural Education major at Potomac State College, 总是带着微笑出现在成员面前,并表达在导师和学生之间建立关系的重要性. Katie Cummings, also an Agriculture Education major, 在担任州官员期间,她住在堪萨斯州,在大学的要求和办公室的责任之间取得了平衡. Rylee Brown, the sweetest person you will ever meet, 她开朗的外表和灿烂的笑容也一直是我们团队的一盏明灯吗. Rylee is also an Agriculture Education major. 加勒特·阿蒙斯前往多个州参加其他州的大会, showing members the opportunities in the FFA. Garrett, who is also an Agriculture Education major, 他也是一位农业先锋,并学会了在国家层面倡导农业. I am very thankful for my teammates and their different achievements, helpfulness, and kindness this year. Having a diverse team has kept me, and others educated on the different opportunities our state has to offer.

I would like to thank Shelley Moore Capito for her support; Rodger Handsaw for being a great help to the FFA; Commissioner of Agriculture Kent Leonhart for supporting and inspiring the FFA; and the West Virginia Department of Agriculture. 我很感激我的家人鼓励我自学,尽我所能. My teammates provided endless support. 我要感谢州FFA顾问Kari Brown和执行秘书Danielle Grant的辛勤工作, helping our team whenever needed, being state-wide role models for everyone, and taking care of our state's organization. 我感谢西弗吉尼亚的会员和顾问们在他们的工作中表现出色,并努力使FFA成为今天的样子.


Throughout this year, I have traveled to another county, 作为一个国家官员,千里迢迢,见过成千上万的人. 会员们积极参与,使今年成为成功的一年, representing the state and nation. This has been a rewarding year for me, 我永远感激并祝福有这个机会担任州官员.


Caroline Greenleaf

West Virginia State FFA President, 2022-2023

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